Pretty, Talented, Smiley JULIYAA









The talented and hardworking musician Juliyaa, who won last year’s GUBA rising star award embarked on a SMILE season last month. Gaining inspiration from her new song (smile), Juliyaa started her 10 days of smile campaign. In those 10 days she decided to do random acts of kindness, all been done with a smile and love for humanity.  Let’s go through her actions in those 10 days.

Day 1 – Note to a stranger: On this day, Juliyaa wrote a wonderful message in a card with the title ‘please read me’ and left it on the seat of a train for commuters to read. After 30 minutes a commuter read the card, was pleased and smiled.

Day 2- Cake for a neighbour: Juliyaa decided to bake a victoria sponge cake for her neighbour of 20 years and encouraged her fans to do the same.

Day 3 – Letter to a loved one: with all the mediums of communication out there, it’s seems communication is not as personal as it used to be.  A quick message on Facebook, twitter, watsapp bbm and many more is what constitutes as communication nowadays.  Realising that, Juliyaa decided to write a letter to a loved one to show how much she cares.

Day 4 – Lunch for the homeless: instead of walking past and sparing a few change for the homeless, Juliyaa decided to connect with them simply by speaking to them, finding out what they wanted for lunch and proceeding to buy them lunch.

Day 5 – Free hugs: putting aside all nervousness, she headed to Covent Garden to offer free hugs to passers-by.  It received an overwhelming response.

Day 6- Lunch for a loved one:  Juliyaa decided to cook a meal for a loved one as a simple way to show them they are appreciated.

Day 7 – Buy a drink for a hard worker: Juliyaa offered to buy a drink for some hard workers she came across

Day 8 – Thank you card for hard workers: walking through the city, Juliyaa wrote a number of thank you cards to offer to hard workers. She stopped to talk to them and thanked them for their hard work.

Day 9 – Balloons for kids:  placing herself in a busy area, Juliyaa offered balloons to children with consent from the parents. In other words, kids + balloons = SMILE

Day 10 – 10 days of smile needs to become a lifestyle.

Enjoy some smiles at 

What an inspiring thing to do, to take time out to appreciate the world and the people we live with. Let’s make 10 days of smile a way of life, starting from NOW. What are you waiting for?  We at GUBA will do our best to make others SMILE.

Make sure you also look out for Juliyaa’s debut EP Stars & Dragons to be released this summer 2012!

Watch out for an interview with JULIYAA…coming soon!

 Story by Claudia Andrews

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