CEO of Williams Mining- Derek Offei Williams Speaks to GUBA

Many lives are lost each year to mining accidents brought on by a lack of education and lack of safety precautions. This very concern was the inspiration behind Williams Mining- a recruitment firm that seeks to place qualified personnel in crucial mining sectors.

Derek Amoako Offei Williams is the brainchild behind Williams Mining.  After working several years for a recruitment company, Derek decided to take a risk and start his own recruitment company. Years on, Williams Mining has gone on to be a successful recruitment firm, strongly established in a number of African countries.

The success of Williams Mining is testament of the fact that risks are necessary in order to succeed in business. Derek’s determination and drive is slowly propelling his company into one of Africa’s leading recruitment firm.

To add to his many achievements, Derek has been nominated for the GUBA Blavo Young Entrepreneur Award- a fiercely contested category.

Derek gets the platform to speak to GUBA….

Tell us about the premise behind your business

Williams Mining started out to reduce the accidents, injuries and fatalities in the Ghanaian mining sector. We have achieved that for one of Ghana’s biggest mining companies.  We are currently replicating that for Guinea, DRC, Ivory Coast, Mali and other African countries till we reach Zero fatalities on a mining site.  We recruit some of the world’s best safety professionals in the mining sector to work in the listed countries.

How does it feel to be nominated for the Young Entrepreneur Award and what would winning mean to you?

I am truly honoured to be recognised and acknowledged. I still can’t believe it!

What do you think about the GUBA Awards?

I love the GUBA Awards. It means a lot to me and it is an organisation I hope to be part of for many years to come. It represents growth, development and an opportunity for Ghanaians to share ideas and unite. I believe it is one of the most important movements in today’s Ghanaian- British culture. I also believe that the ideas exchanged through GUBA will one day shape Ghana.

Where does your motivation come from?

Self-exploration, I want to see what I am capable of. I like surprising myself and I enjoy exploring the barriers of expectations and going beyond them. It is all an enjoyable experience that motivates me further.

Do you have any plans of expanding your business?

Yes, I am sending one of my staff to Brazil to visit clients in October and to view office spaces. We are hoping to open an office in Sao Paulo from mid-2014. We are looking at plans to open an office in Accra by the end of 2014. In addition, I am performing a due diligence report to open a further recruitment company in Africa for a particular market.

Are you involved in any other projects?

I own 20% of – a gym comparison website and I am in advanced stages of investing in a Lettings Company (Brixton).  I am also in talks with the ACLT (African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust) to bring them to Ghana.  I also offer mentorship programmes for young people to learn about recruitment and to help them get direction in their lives.

What message would you give to aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs?

Make mistakes and learn from them,  it is the most important thing you can do for your development as a person and as an entrepreneur. Do not start a business for money,  that will come when you get better at your profession, do it for the sense of achievement or other non-monetary related matters.

Always be patient with yourself, Stay humble, Have faith and enjoy what you do.

Do you have anything else you would want to add?

Thank you for the opportunity to be nominated.

williams mining
Derek and his firm are doing a great job by reducing the number of mining fatalities in Africa. Mining is very significant for developing countries within Africa therefore, it is important that the lives of miners are protected. We commend Derek on his work and wish him all the best.

Vote Derek for the GUBA Blavo Young Entrepreneur Award at 

To find out more about his work, visit

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