GUBA Interviews The Sustainable AgroMindset Organisation


Agriculture is central and necessary for survival in developing countries like Ghana.  David Asiamah saw the lack of emphasis and declining interest in agricultural careers and founded AgroMindset as a solution.

AgroMindset is an organisation that trains and equips young people with the necessary skills to work in various agricultural sectors. This organisation has gone on to train over 500 young people and makes it a mission to secure the future of agriculture in Ghana and Africa. Their focus on the environment and food stability has secured them  a nomination for the Invest in Africa Sustainable Business award.

GUBA gives AgroMindset the chance to tell their story…

Tell us about the premise behind your business 

Agro Mindset organisation works towards promoting agriculture both as a moral duty and in the national interest of Ghana. It is evident that prioritising agricultural development would yield significant, interconnected benefits, particularly in achieving food security, increasing incomes and reversing environmental damage. To this end, agriculture is good for our economy, safety and security, as it sustains the current and future generation. Despite these important roles of agriculture, its future is threatened because most young people in Ghana who hold the future of agriculture do not want to be involved in it. To reverse this trend, it is imperative to motivate young people to go into agriculture to sustain the sector and, at the same time solve the prevalent problem of youth employment.

AgroMindset organisation in this regard started off, educating a new generation of ethical, entrepreneurial agriculturalists; to cultivate within them the critical reasoning and problem solving skills to take advantage of the vast opportunities in the agricultural sector. Critically the vision lays emphasis on value chains, entrepreneurship and ‘farming as a business’ which expands support services to entrepreneurs in the valuation and planning of value-added agriculture.

How does it feel to be nominated for the Sustainable Business of the Year and what would winning mean to you?  

The nomination alone has been a morale booster to me, the team, our large membership base and the huge number of Ghanaian youth who need to be attracted to careers in agriculture.

What do you think about the GUBA Awards? 

It is long overdue that such initiatives were birthed to support up and coming innovations. I love what GUBA is doing.  Just imagine if Mark Zuckerburg was born in Ghana; would he have reached that far at his age? GUBA brings some of us to the limelight and expose us to the international community.

Where does your motivation come from? 

My motivation has been intrinsic since starting the company when I was 21years. I have good friends who are doing marvellous things in their areas of interest. Although it is not a competition amongst us, their inspiration begets mine. What is happening in the global matrix is a big deal to me as well. What has kept me awake is the generally low interest in agriculture among the young generation, especially in their lack of ambition to pursue careers in this sector. There is a lack of provision of good training and the creation of the right image to pique and maintain young peoples’ interests in agriculture in many countries in the sub-Saharan region. Creating the right image and interest is much more important now than ever, given that food security, as well as its equitable economic transformation, depends on sustained agriculture. If farming, agricultural research and extension services are no longer seen as a viable professional future for the younger generation, then “who will grow the crops that will feed the world”?

Do you have any plans of expanding your business? 

Yes! Our farms, land and property management will go on increasing its profitable share in business. Also, looking into the future, we aim to evolve to become a world class pan-African education provider to educate Africa’s new generation of entrepreneurial-minded agriculturalists.

Are you involved in any other projects? 

We are starting our Academy next year when post graduates students from America will make their way to Ghana to help with our work. It will be a form of student exchange.

What message would you give to aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs? 

It is good to build a brand that people can easily associate with but if there is a slip-up or failure, it becomes indelible too and people will associate your brand with the blunder. We must all protect our brand with integrity and lasting good leadership skills.

Do you have anything else you would want to add? 

This is another platform to echo that farming is the profession of the future. The World Bank has it that by 2050, there will be 9 billion people in the world. How do we feed the growing population; by miracle? We can’t neglect farming because it will lead to demand exceeding supply (scarcity) which necessitates importation. This trend invariably results in hikes in food prices which have been evidenced in most developing countries until recently. There will then be more poor people with Africa and Asia facing this effect most. If the world’s agriculture fails, we imperil our future. Food is the most burning problem on the planet, and it will get worse unless the affluent nations find some way to help those nations who need it.

AgroMindset are doing a fantastic job in ensuring the future of agriculture in Ghana and surrounding countries. We commend them on their work and urge everyone to support the cause. 

Vote AgroMindset for the Invest in Africa Sustainable Business award at

Find out more about the organisation at

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