GUBA Speaks to the Inspirational Hannah Oyewole

‘Man is what he thinks’ and this very law of attraction is what Hannah Oyewole lives by. Growing up under challenging circumstances, Hannah’s belief in her dreams has contributed to her success. After attaining a first class honours in Business Management, she decided to share her life experiences in the motivational, self development book- ‘I Dare You’

Hannah is a notable motivational speaker, gracing several platforms and empowering young people to go after their dreams. In 2011, she set up the Young Ladies Club,   an empowerment and development organization that challenges young women to step into their destinies.Self development and success is at the core of Hannah’s message and her commitment has led to her nomination for the GUBA Rising Star Award.

GUBA gives Hannah the platform to inspire us with her story, in this insightful interview…

Where does your motivation come from?
My motivation firstly comes from my foundation and belief in God. I am a firm believer in the power of faith and believing in yourself. It also comes from my family upbringing, things were not always easy however, I believe that the challenges that I experienced growing up, helped me to become the person I am today. Lastly, my motivation comes from the ability to touch people’s lives. I love influencing people and inspiring them to live their dreams. I aim to continue to use my book ‘I Dare You’ and also my organization: Young Ladies Club as a vehicle to empower my generation.

How does it feel to be nominated for the Rising Star award and what would winning mean to you?
It is a real honour to be nominated for the Rising Star award, I believe in the power of recognition and I am very grateful to be recognized by the GUBA Awards organization. I believe that winning the award would allow me to raise the bar for others who aspire to achieve something great with their lives.Winning the award would truly allow me to send out the message that nothing is impossible and despite your challenges in life, something good can come out of it. It would also act as a good source of motivation for me to keep on going and inspiring people who need to hear my story.

What do you think about the GUBA Awards?

The GUBA Awards is a very prestigious event and it is something that is needed within the Ghanaian community and the African community as a whole. It is evident to me that there is a clear vision of excellence for the awards ceremony. I believe that the GUBA awards is an established brand which will continue to go from strength to strength. Over the forthcoming years I will be excited to see the GUBA Awards expand and touch more lives.

Do you have any plans of expanding yourself and your brand?
Yes, I plan to host events under my brand to influence other people to live their dreams. I also aim to offer more products to customers to teach them how to keep moving forward even in the face of adversity. I aim to emphasize the importance of motivation and believing in yourself.

Are you involved in any other projects?
There are a few projects that I am partnering with in order to highlight the importance of self-esteem and confidence in the young generation. The projects will take place in educational institutions and local communities.

What message of motivation would you give to other young people?
I would advise people to never, ever give up and to stay focused on their vision, purpose, goals and dreams. We walk the face of this earth once, so make sure you leave an indelible mark that people would remember you by.

Do you have anything else you would want to add?

For more information about my work, visit my  website:

Hannah is an inspirational young women and we at GUBA are extremely impressed with her success so far. We would like to encourage everyone to support her work.
vote for Hannah for the GUBA Rising Star award at

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