Artist Extraordinaire Award: Is Robert Nelson Your Winner?

rob1Robert Nelson is an animation artist dedicated to representing the vibrant Ghanaian culture through art. Inspired by comics and storytelling, Robert has developed his craft and specialises in various form of animation and character design. He is currently a freelancer with an intense focus on generating creator owned content.

Robert has achieved many feats within his career, he has earned an accolade from Royal Television Society Awards as well as recognition at the Nemo festival and the Children Film’s festival Seattle.

This motivated individual aims to inspire future generations of young Africans with an interest in various forms of art.

The ever proactive Robert shows you why he is a selected nominee for the Artist Extraordinaire award…..

Congratulations on your nomination for the Artist Extraordinaire Award. How do you feel about your nomination?

I was very surprised to be nominated, the initial shock gave way to a humble appreciation that my work had caught attention. I am excited at the opportunity of reaching new audiences who may hear about me and be touched by my work.

Tell us why you deserve the Artist Extraordinaire Award

It is hard to accept that I deserve an award at all. I have worked very hard at improving as an artist and to create work that brings something to the lives of others. I feel that my determination to art is one of the main reasons why I deserve to win. I am extremely passionate about telling stories through pictures and work very hard at my craft. Art isn’t something I do, it is my way of life.

robWhat inspired you to pursue art?

I always loved comics and animation as a child, my older brother was also an artist and seeing the excellent drawings he had done, was an early catalyst that set me on my path.

Ghana has a beautiful culture of bright visuals and storytelling intrinsic to all aspects of our culture, I feel that I subconsciously absorbed this as a child and it became a formative part of my world perception.

I discovered that drawing brought me a sense of calm, it is something I love to do and once the realisation hit that it was something I could earn a living through, I set on path to reach professional levels. My greatest inspiration is that someday I could inspire others as I was inspired by the artists that came before me.

What do you think about the GUBA Awards?

I think the GUBA awards is an excellent opportunity to shine light on incredible individuals who would otherwise be lost in the crowds. In this globalised environment where influence comes from everywhere, it is easy to forget that we also export a great deal of influence thus, It is wonderful to have a way to recognise how rich and creative our culture is.

Robert Nelson continues to demonstrate his proactivity to art. If he deserves the Artist Extraordinaire award, vote for him at   

Tickets for the GUBA 2015 awards are also available for purchase via  

Find out more of his work at


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